E.S. Gel Root Canal Preparation EDTA Cream (2 syringes/kit)

Endodontic Solutions

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Product Overview

E.S. Gel root canal preparation EDTA cream acts as both a lubricant and chelating agent during canal cleaning and shaping.

E.S. Gel’s formulation will not deteriorate or discolor NiTi instruments. The EDTA in E.S. Gel softens calcifications and also removes / prevents smear layer and dentine chip accumulation leaving dentinal tubules and lateral canals ready for obturation. E.S. Gel’s formulation reacts with sodium hypochlorite, creating an effervescing action to lift debris coronally for simultaneous cleaning and shaping that requires no rinsing step between instrumentation and irrigation.

Features & Benefits

  • E.S. Gel has a pH of 6, so it's not aggressive in dentine.
  • Softens calcification for easier access
  • Gel-like consistency for long-lasting lubrication and easy application to instruments
  • Water soluble base leaves €‹no residue
  • 17% EDTA & 10% Carbamide Peroxide for excellent debris-lifting effervescing action and removal of smear layer
  • Aids in consistent and reliable readings when used with apex locators, being specially formulated to have a low electrical conductivity
  • Premium disposable single-use syringe tips allow for superior placement in the canal and eliminate cross-contamination

Two 6g syringes and 20 pre-bent tips included.

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We'll throw in one additional set for every two you order.