Product Overview
Titanium FRR – Has the flexibility & strength of titanium alloy to remove obstructions in the canal, separated instruments and aid in retreatments.
Compare to Obtura CPR 6,7,8 tips and SAVE OVER 45%!!!
Compare to Dentsply Endo 6,7,8 tips and SAVE OVER 50%!!!
- FRR tips provide all the features and benefits of CPR tips, but at HALF THE COST!!!
- FRR tips are extremely thin and active tips
- FRR tips can work deep in the canal to remove obstructions/instruments/retreatments
- FRR tips will hold their bend in the canal
- FRR tips flexibility allows you to navigate curves with ease
- FRR tips have water ports for wet or dry operation
- FRR tips working lengths are: 20.0 mm (Purple), 24.0mm (Blue), 27.0mm (Bronze)